SONY DSCThe European Securities and Markets Authority (“ESMA”) is holding consultations on the remaining Implementing Technical Standards (“ITS”) under the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive II legislation (“MiFID II”), as is required before it makes its final submission to the European Commission.

The paper seeks stakeholders’ views on the following three draft ITS:

  1. the suspension and removal of financial instruments from trading on a trading venue;
  2. the notification and provision of information for data reporting services providers; and
  3. the weekly aggregated position reports for commodity derivatives, emission allowances and derivatives thereof.

The consultation runs until 31 October 2015.

On the basis of the responses to this paper, ESMA will revise the draft technical standards and send the final report to the European Commission for endorsement by 3 January 2016.

A copy of the consultation paper can be viewed on ESMA’s website.