The European Securities and Markets Authority has published its periodic report on statistical data regarding EEA prospectus activity during 2014. The report contains detailed information on, among other things, the structure and content of each prospectus approved during 2014 and looks at trends and certain comparisons with the previous year.… Continue Reading
Closing the Gender Pay Gap: Government Consultation A Government Equalities Office consultation seeks comments on the Government’s manifesto commitment to require larger companies to publish gender pay information. Regulations will cover private and voluntary sector employers in England, Scotland and Wales with at least 250 employees. Comments on the consultation are due by 6 September … Continue Reading
Fourth Annual Progress Report on Women on Boards Lord Davies has published his fourth annual progress report on women on boards. The report notes continued progress by FTSE 350 companies in increasing the number of female board members since the first report was published in 2011. As at 1 March 2015, women accounted for 23.5% … Continue Reading
The Financial Conduct Authority has published its ninth quarterly consultation paper. Chapter 2 of the consultation paper sets out proposals to amend the Listing Rules and Disclosure and Transparency Rules to take account of, among other things, implementation of the revised UK Corporate Governance Code in September 2014. The minor proposed amendments include: Amending the … Continue Reading
The Takeover Panel has amended the fees and charges which are payable in accordance with section 13 of the Introduction to the City Code on Takeovers and Mergers and included the introduction of, among other things, new bands to the scale of charges for offer documents and “whitewash” documents. The changes come into effect on … Continue Reading
HM Treasury and the FCA have published a joint consultation paper setting out proposed amendments to the Financial Services and Markets Act and to the Disclosure and Transparency Rules in order to implement the directive amending the Transparency Directive. The UK has already implemented part of the amending directive and this current consultation concerns the … Continue Reading
The value to shareholders of cash paid out by companies depends on the tax treatment of the payment. This will vary between shareholders and is heavily influenced by the way the cash is distributed so that the method of distribution can have a major impact on the perceived value to investors. Unfortunately, the complexity of … Continue Reading